Here's What's Happening in Mrs. McBrady's Classroom
March 28, 2018
Here are some book commercials the class made!! Definitely a few stars in the making:) The videos really do have sound, but some are very quiet.
Here's What's Happening in Mrs. McBrady's Classroom
March 26, 2018
Interactive reading - Beardance.
Will compare and contrast with a movie that incorporates similar cultural ideas to the Ute beliefs.
No spelling lists this week.
Unit 7 - Multiplication of a Fraction by a Whole Number and Measurement
MCA Dates
Reading Tests will be April 10, 11, and 12 Math Tests will be April 30, May 1 and 3 It is important that your child gets enough rest prior to testing. A good breakfast also helps brain function. Attendance is important on test days. Please visit with your child and let them know you expect them to try their hardest.
Dates to Remember:
March 26 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30 - 7:30 march 27 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 12:30 - 7:30 March 29, 30 - No School - Easter Break April 2 - No School - Easter Break April 4 - Always Changing Class by Ms. Serie and Mr. Noga April 5 - Art with Grandma Cookie April 18 - Electricity Presentation with Dave Burnea (Otter Tail Power Company)
Friday, March 9, 2018
Here's What's Happening in Mrs. McBrady's Classroom
March 12, 2018
Students will compare and contrast the book and the movie Stone Fox. Students are researching a rain forest animal or bird. Students are writing a research report and will be following directions to draw the creature. Students are also selecting a picture from the internet to print for the report.
Independent Reading – AR goal for March - 5 points to meet the goal Please remind your child to read at home. 4th graders should read at least 20 minutes per evening. Spelling
Maintenance test this week. Test 3A will be Tuesday over Lessons 15, 16, and 17. Test 3B will be Thursday over Lessons 18, 19, 20, and 21. New levels will be evaluated and determined by weekly test scores as well as the maintenance tests. Math
Unit 7 - Multiplication of a Fraction by a Whole Number and Measurement I can multiply fractions by whole numbers I can multiply mixed numbers by whole numbers I can estimate, find, and determine the reasonableness of answers to multi-step division number stories I can use division strategies to solve measurement problems I can generate and analyze patterns in rectangular numbers
Social Studies The Middle West Region of the United States Science Electricity
March Birthdays
March 1 - Rachel
March 4 - Alexander
March 5 - Evalynn
March 29 - Myrissa
Dates to Remember: March 14 - Personal Sharing March 22 - End of Quarter 3 March 23 - No School - Teacher Workshop March 26 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30 - 7:30 march 27 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 12:30 - 7:30 March 29, 30 - No School - Easter Break April 2 - No School - Easter Break