Interactive Reading – Jaguar by Roland Smith
Writing - Students are researching and writing a nonfiction report on a rainforest animal. Students will also follow directions to draw the animal. Students will find a picture of the animal online to be printed.
Students will be working on a book commercial.
Independent Reading
AR goal for January
5 points to meet their goal
Fourth graders should read at least 20 minutes per evening.
Pretest on Monday
Final test on Friday
Unit 5: Fractions and Mixed Number Computation/Measurement
I can measure angles in degrees
I can review line symmetry and explore properties of symmetric shapes
I can solve multi-step word problems
Unit 5 review
Test on Friday
Interactive Reading – Jaguar by Roland Smith
Writing - Students are researching and writing a nonfiction report on a rainforest animal. Students will also follow directions to draw the animal. Students will find a picture of the animal online to be printed.
Students will be working on a book commercial.
Independent Reading
AR goal for January
5 points to meet their goal
Fourth graders should read at least 20 minutes per evening.
Pretest on Monday
Final test on Friday
Unit 5: Fractions and Mixed Number Computation/Measurement
I can measure angles in degrees
I can review line symmetry and explore properties of symmetric shapes
I can solve multi-step word problems
Unit 5 review
Test on Friday
Social Studies
Next region is the Middle West. Once again, students will label the states on a template of the region, be asked to complete a puzzle in less than 2 minutes, and match the capital to the correct state.
Research a rainforest animal.
Research a rainforest animal.
February Book Order
Friends, relatives, and community members have sponsored 4th graders to receive the $1.00 book each month from Scholastic. So far, they have received Chocolate Touch, Riding Freedom, Old Yeller, and either The Dog Who Saved Christmas, Secret Garden, or 101 Ho-Ho-Holiday Jokes. They will soon receive Frindle.
I will be sending a February Book Order home with students in the near future. Because I actually had more sponsors than students, each 4th grader will have a budget of $6.00 to purchase a book or books of his or her own choice. Hopefully we will have these before "I Love To Read Month" in March.
Just in case you are wondering where these books are coming from, now you know. The books are your child's to keep.
Friends, relatives, and community members have sponsored 4th graders to receive the $1.00 book each month from Scholastic. So far, they have received Chocolate Touch, Riding Freedom, Old Yeller, and either The Dog Who Saved Christmas, Secret Garden, or 101 Ho-Ho-Holiday Jokes. They will soon receive Frindle.
I will be sending a February Book Order home with students in the near future. Because I actually had more sponsors than students, each 4th grader will have a budget of $6.00 to purchase a book or books of his or her own choice. Hopefully we will have these before "I Love To Read Month" in March.
Just in case you are wondering where these books are coming from, now you know. The books are your child's to keep.
February 6, 20
March 6, 20
April 3, 17
May 1, 15, 29
Targeted Services
January 29
February 5, 12
March 5, 12, 19
April 2, 9
Dates to Remember
Feb. 7 - Art with Grandma Cookie
Feb. 15, 18, 19 - No School
Feb. 25 - 28 - Book Fair
Feb. 26 - NAEP Assessment